Friday, September 22, 2006

Our first dusting... Dress warm Tina! (28 weeks)

We woke up this morning to having a little bit of snow on the ground. Chilly and cold, but it felt pretty good after we got the fire started in the stove. I should mention that this past weekend, I chopped wood for the first time in at least 15 years. ...broke an axe handle almost immediately (I just needed a few more chop-chops and I got right back into *swing* of things).

Chilly weather was an inspiration for Tina to put on her Spanish boots and a cap. These photos mark 28 weeks with Phoenix. She (Tina) is a tough one to get a smile out of when the camera is in her face. Double click the images to view them a little bigger (there's a limit to how big they'll let us go on this blog).

I had to chase her to her car to catch her in the act. There it is! We knew she could smile. Isn't she beautiful?

As many have so kindly made mention to me... we all hope that Phoenix genetically takes after her mom!