Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Bigger Snow - the last snow report (maybe)

You all might be getting sick of the snow talk, but we're not (not just YET...).

Yep, it happened again... went to sleep with no snow on the ground (only a rumor that a storm was headed in). Woke up with up to (and over) 2 feet, depending on where the wind wanted to blow the white stuff. This is a photo about 2/3 the way up our driveway (facing back down towards the cabin).

Fortunately, I'd parked the Suby at the top of the drive the night before... this photo is from the same spot on the drive, but looking up towards the car (visual assistance provided on this one).

I was scheduled to have the studded snow tires mounted on the car that morning. Well, I missed the appointment, because it took 30 minutes to dig out a distance of about 9ft to the road. Revved that little Suby up to bust her out onto the road, slid 'er sideways, and... well, promptly got 'er stuck on the other side of the road. As luck would have it, a few fine young lads (smokin' a spliff, nonetheless) were nice enough to stop by and help push me and Suby out. They enjoyed the irony of me having studded tires in the trunk. The next task was getting the Subaru to the tire shop on some slickery roads with tires that were the equivalent of ice skates. Breath easy... all ended up fine and I'm happy to report that Suby RIPS with studded snows and all wheel drive. SMILES.

I guess that there is always a calm after the storm. This shot was taken the night after the big snow. Just gotta love them mountain nights...